Sunday, November 13, 2016

AO 11-10-16: The Ideology of Being Free from Ideology

So, before leaving class Thursday, the question of if it was possible to escape ideologies was proposed to us. The answer is, in my opinion, no. The state apparatus (the plural of apparatus according to Bing that’s how its spelt) that have loomed over us for far too long that we really can’t escape their dominion. In my opinion, any ideas we have now are just reactions to the ideologies presented to us. I don’t really think actively disobeying an ideology would count as being free from it, as our actions still have their roots in the ideology in the first place, even though said actions are rebellious and counter intuitive to the ideology. Taking the hypothetical to a realistic and personal level, does the ideology of rebellion really count if we were made to question it in the first place by the Ideological State Apparatus that is our college? Alternately, though we may take steps to not follow the ideologies proposed by the ruling class, wouldn’t that just mean we have removed ourselves from their ideologies and put ourselves in an ideology constructed by and for us? It’s as Althusser said; “There is no practice except by and in an ideology; there is no ideology except by and for the subject” (C Book; Althusserpg.45).

Now interjecting some of my personal opinion into this, is living in ideologies that bad? Yes, the pursuit of the “real” is important but at the rate we’re going I don’t believe we’ll be finding the “real” anytime soon. So while you either wait for someone else to find the real or even pursue it yourself, what wrong with following some imaginary guidelines that establish our existence? In that sentiment I should be clear follow your OWN ideologies, not ones proposed to you. Although your actions are just a rejection to something else, maybe you could at least find some solace in the fact the actions have some semblance of being your own ideals. I find this option better than simply following the actions of someone else.

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