Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I'm a Catholic Robot?

Althusser presents one of his theses stating: "Ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence"(44).

I struggled trying to break down Althussers seemingly complicated notion of the human imagination. What I took from his opinion was that ideology is the distorted way we look at our own distorted roles and identities in society.

He goes on to present another thesis in which he states "Ideology has a material existence"(45).

Althusser went off of Marx's idea state ideologies and state apparatus as an important framework in understanding ideology itself. In his second thesis Althusser argues that ideology lacks any spiritual matter. He believes we accept our given identity and our role in society without any conscious choice over whether or not we are for or against it.

I grappled with whether or not I agreed with this pessimistic view of ideological apparatuses and ideology itself. I was born and raised Roman Catholic and consider myself today to be a devoted Catholic. The church, a deemed ideological apparatus, was presented to me as a way of life that I was called to pursue, and that God had a specific plan and purpose for me in this world. I often consider what life would be like if I had not been born into a Catholic family. Would I still be Catholic and/or Christian? Do I belief what I am told because I merely accepted that identity when I was born?

Yes, I was born into the Catholic way of life but once I graduated from Catholic high school having had gone to Catholic school my entire life, I had a choice to either continue practicing or not. Today I an conscious of my beliefs. Yes it was a dominant superstructure in my life but I in no way felt oppressed by it. In fact, I continued to practice because I gained from it personally. I know many people who "broke free" of the Catholic ball and chain once going off to college. If you asked me the same question in middle school I would probably agree that I felt subjected to the religion because of how much my mother forced it down my throat...but I know today I am free to make the decision to participate.

I still am unsure as to whether or not I agree with Althusser on ideology being of material existence. I hope to gain some clarity in tomorrows class period.

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